I saw Renee for 2 or 3 years, sometimes more than once a week. I called her in times of crisis and always heard back. I never saw anyone quite so attentive when I spoke to them. I disliked her at first but in the end I grew to very much admire her. I feel years later that she was actually brilliant, in the same way that you might say the sun is brilliant when it shines on your face. If there were a sixth star on here, she would get it.
Ive called and left message after message with no reply. I called my insurance company and they mentioned this place was in network. They said specifically I think Chelsea was in network. I left messages and also emailed her. In my email I listed what was going on and how badly I needed help.. she actually emailed back next day letting me know shes sorry for what Im going through, but isnt taking any new clients.