My experience is that it doesnt pay to hired cheap labor. Am a experience union labor from up north that had the oppurtunity to see how there operations works. Favoritism along with manadatory overtime of 50 or more hours. Sometimes 63 . Thats there if u want it, take it or leave it. So if your not working majority of them hours, here comes the quiet communication. And u do know what that means. Supervisors let different people be there selfs. Me am a Passoniate African American worker. That they prefer to do more work of at times. So therefore if I do not talk am concentrating only at the task at hand with is concrete pulling. Then Thats what I do. The workers that works along with me, dictate their feelings n emotions as they relate back n fourth all day to the office mix messages. Thats there communication. And the real supervisor who doesnt speak, like Shawn Eric n theres another one, oh but I cannot remember his name guess cause he simply speaks to those he chooses. Am On top of it all. AMA just leave it at that. Its more, they not worth it.