An incredibly important organization. They provide the facts and are willing to talk with you personally to answer questions. The right to life of the unborn is truly what this organization aims to accomplish!I have been interacting with a few of their staff and each have been so thoughtful. One even sent me a book called Why Pro Life by Randy Alcorn (a MUST read!!) as a gift, knowing I wanted more education of the littles’ right to life.Please support ORTL in any way you can. Every shout out, review, volunteer, and penny counts! Make your voice heard and join the pro-life movement!
Courage, commitment, excellence, Oregon right to life!!!!!@Neverknew how is pushing for statewide legislation an attempt at all to target any specific protected class?
This non-profit is in KEIZER, NOT Salem, Oregon. I wanted to find out more about their promise to protect lives from cradle to death, and I realized that their sole intent was to keep white females from aborting fetuses. I wish they would expand their efforts to include the many homeless children at risk within Salem, foster kids that are marginalized, children of color and children for whom English is a second language, children dying of hunger here in America, and internationally; children traded for profit, suffering in throes from famine in war torn countries. Address the infinite needs of living, worthy, precious gifts from the Lord in Heaven. Come ON Pro-Lifers, you can do better than politicking. Give to those in need, the living, children. OUR children, they suffer as you proclaim your righteousness and gather spoils of war for the few. Get better, do better, think for yourself and act for the many.
Great folks working to protect innocent human life from fertilization to natural death.
Life is sacred, whether young or old, born or unborn. Keep up the good work!
A fantastic organization that truly cares and makes a difference.
It was awesome and to even have Lyla Rose there it was even more awesome. Go there next year!!!
So thankful for the hard work of ORTL in saving Oregons baby!