The people were extremely nice and I genuinely enjoyed the people I interviewed with and don’t get me wrong, they can really hype the job up. They have a great pitch, but I was not happy at all, it can be so misleading about the entire company over the phone when they call you. Website was lacking major detail, in fact, it doesn’t say much at all. If you apply, just be aware you are getting involved in an MLM and your pay is much much lower than they initially tell you. From what I gather this is pyramid marketing. You start from entry level on up I was told it was a job with minimum wage base pay but increases with SALES and as my interviewer continued to explain how the process *really* works, it was made more and more clear its an MLM. Not much to do with marketing at all but I thought that was the job entailed since that what I got my degree in and went in for both the interview process. You start off every day at the office where you have to get pumped and then send you off to some big corporate business like Wal-Mart selling product. They want over qualified fresh out of college kids with degrees to start from the entry level and sell product at a Wal-Mart and basically sell your butt off to try to make it to management. If that’s what you’re into, go for it.