Hands down greatest services on the Redstone Arsenal, helpful and friendly professionals!!!
This post office should be the model for every post office in town. Friendly, knowledgeable, and fast. They take care of their customers and do it with a smile. The 2 best post office guys ever!
Exceptional services. They should be the model post office for all post offices! I wish the other post offices in town were as professional. An awesome staff!
Favorite post office location, hands down. Its small, no-frills, with virtually no line every time I go in there. People behind the counter and helpful and kind.
Friendliest and most-helpful USPS employees in America, hands-down.Seriously, dont tell anyone this place exists. Its got to be the most-convenient post office on any base. I dont want it to turn into most of the other ones in HSV.
This place is great. The folks behind the counter are awesome and very helpful.
Why are the hours on post 0930 and out in town is 0830? Not convenient at all.
Helpful staff. A bit out of the way.
Very friendly demeanor and outgoing nature