Proud Father/Fatherhood coach of Horizon Outreach. It has been a blessing to be part of this organization. Ms. Johnson aka 00 is a wonderful woman and loves what she does. She helped so many Fathers/Mothers to succeed and rise above all obstacles. The things Ms.Johnson does for the people is a blessing. She helped me with work and allow me to work at Horizon Outreach to help father/mothers to get on track and head in the right direction because I was once in there shoes. I have been currently released from prison and I was a menace to society but threw change and completion of this programs it made me a better Man, Father, and product of my environment.
Very welcoming and completely understanding to the plight of single Dads or Dads with Galaxies of drama they are dealing with. I was welcomed, entered in, fed, clothed, and given training, parenting, and relationship skills to better cope and attempt to live a better, productive, less stressful life. I wanted to live again and this program give me an opportunity to return back to the world better than before! Thank you. The organization from the bottom to the top expressed extreme concern for my well being as well as my children. I was recommended to come here and I will recommend this to all I come across. What a resurrecting program!
First off I would like say to that this program is very helpful and a blessing. It showed me how to be a better parent and person with certain people. Horizon Outreach is the best program Ive seen thus far to help men that want to better their life and make better choices. Every male figure that has children I tell about the program because everybody needs help from somebody and Im just passing the blessing on. I wish everybody who joins this program success and I wish the program more success with helping others to soar high in the sky, THANK YOU Horizon Outreach. EAGLE EAGLE !
This program has given me new insight on the was I tend to communicate with the people I interact with on a daily basis, most importantly my children. This was a wonderful opportunity and experience. I encourage any man with children to come and take part in this experience. I thank the staff of Horizon Outreach for all of their time, support, and efforts to help us all be successful.EAGLE! EAGLE! EAGLE!!!!
My experience with Horizon Outreach has been one of the most inspiring & enjoyable times in my Life. Ms.Johnson & her staff bring new & very positive information/assistance to help Fathers & Mothers attain stability on the road to achieving goals & living a better quality of life! This programs lives up to its name!
This is one of the best programs Ive yet to attend. It actually helped me in many ways as in relationship goals, better parent skills and better approaches when dealing with my kids. Taught me better job hunting skills and how to approach an interview to almost 150% get the job your interviewing for. Also helped me obtain the certifications that makes it possible to succeed in the workforce. I would absolutely recommend this program to all the struggle fathers thats looking to provide and make a better way for his family. EAGLE, EAGLE, EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great program for Black/African American men who face any and many obstacles. God is great and the Horizon Outreach Program has helped in many ways by changing lives and families. Love, Live Life, and Loyalty. GOD is great GOD is good GOD is kind GOD is patience GOD is love.
Horizon Outreach is a good program, nice people who are willing to help no matter what your situation is. I also love that they are not judge mental. Before I got here it was a lot of things that I thought I couldnt accomplish. I got here and they gave me the proper tools I need to be a better parent, a hard worker, and taught me how to work with othes and I thank all of you for that...
This program is amazing,has helped me become more wise in life and helped me look at life a different way. Im a better father and person because of Horizon. THANKS to everyone there for showing noting but love.
I enjoyed my experience with Horizon Outreach, this program has helped to elevate me to the next chapter in my Life as a Father. Ive gained many skills that make me a viable candidate for any job that I apply for. Im very Grateful for all the sincere effort that Ms.Johnson & her staff put into furthing the lives of young men!!!
For me the benefits, resources, people at Horizon Outreach made the whole program a Heaven send. Before I walked through the doors of this building, my life was in shambles. I did not know what I was going to do and if I could make it out here. I want to personally thank everyone here, and I would definitely recommend these services to anyone willing to do better. Eagle, eagle, eagle.
This program has really been a great place for me to grow and help me get my life back together. I would pass this information on to others so that they could get blessed like I have. The staff was very helpful and always had great attitudes about helping you. Thanks Eagle, Eagle, Eagle.
Horizon Outreach has impacted my life in a very positive way. They have given me the right skills and tools to become a better father and to look forward to being financially stable in career thats suited for me. Thanks to the case workers, instructors CEO who are caring supportive and understanding my past they giving me true hope for my future.
Horizon Outreach has had a significantly positive impact on my life as far as helping me become a better Father and husband. Horizon Outreach has given me another opportunity to be a more productive citizen of society and I am more than thankful for the blessing of this great programs existence.
They actually want to help you out. This program has given me a sense of purpose.More or less a reason to get trying and the will to keep going and moving forward
Horizon outreach was the best program that u could of ever do e for me to become a better parent and a better person with my wife. I would recommend another father or single mother to come and join the program they help you get a job, help you with twic, flaggers card and also forklift license. But they have been amazing people and good mentors.
I truly appreciate learning about this program. the staff here is truly dedicated to the growth of their clients doing all thats within there ability to ensure that you reach your intended goal and beyond. I like to thank all that Ive come in contact with at horizon outreach for there care and concerns.
Horizon Outreach is amazing. Ive learned how to be a better parent, I feel more confident that I have the skills to be an effective parent. Men if you looking to better yourself i suggest that you reach out to Horizon Outreach and bring a friend, tell the world. Very Good Program
Great Program. Offers opportunity to acquire certifications. However, I would love to see you guys initiate a job placement program.
Horizon is the most beneficial program Ive ever attended. The staff is nice very and helpful. It help me to be a better father a better companion in my relationships put me in a better position to get a better job so I can be a better provider. Ive truly been bless to have come to horizon.
Working here at Horizon Outreach has been an uplifting experience. Working with the EAGLES has shown me what the program is all about. Helping and uplifting young fathers and giving them a new start. Lets not forget Ms. Johnson who is the most selfless and most thoughtful person, I have ever met. She really loves her EAGLES and gives them her all.
This program is awesome. It put me in the right direction. I am a proud EAGLE GRADUATE.. And the case managers have your best interest at heart
You learn alot here they work with you well and I couldnt ask for a better program.. Im so grateful for going here and bless up to everyone that works in that building.. I love you guys...💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿🙏🏿eagle eagle eagle...
It was a good program, everybody was nice and helpful. it helped me most on learning about parenting and relationship skills. i am glad i took the coerce.
OUTSTANDING ORGANIZATIONI would like to start off by saying that I have never been apart of something this exciting!!! I have seen clients who were just about ready to completely give up. Yet somehow, make it to our program and complete!! This is the most rewarding position I have ever filled. I am so thankful and excited to see BOTH Mothers & fathers complete!! This is a non-profit organization who will not quit on anyone! We will push for you to get where you want to be in life!! Ms. Johnson is absolutely amazing and I couldnt thank her enough for having her vision to help those in need!!! I can say this proudly, Let Horizon Outreach Change your life!!
The Horizon Outreach Program is one of the best things I have accomplished in my life. Being apart of the eagle family has improved my effort to work and communication skills . My relationships with friends and family have improved also . To top it all off I am now a few steps ahead to have better jobs and better pay receiving certifications from the program. I Thank the entire staff who guided and helped me through the whole program. Only New Beginnings from here on out. Eagle Eagle Eagle !!!!
Horizon outreach increased the quality of my life an how I plan to parent to building relationships an having a job that would support myself an family. The staff is helpful an kind in getting the assistance u need I would tell others about this program to better the world around me.
Since becoming a soaring eagle this program has been the best, it has taught me to balance, self evaluate stop and think make positive decisions in negative situations. Thanks to Ms Johnson and the entire staff at Horizon Outreach Program. Its so easily to say Yes, but never be afraid to No. An opportunity doesnt mean its your last chance it just simply means your on the right path. Eagle,Eagle,Eagle
Very thankful for this experience to be apart of such a helpful an knowledge filled program it has helped sharpen areas I needed help in such as job skills an being more business orientated
I love the way This program help me Whit my kids family and finding a place if work the people here are great and give you hope for a better day I cant thank them enough thanks HORIZON
Horizon Outreach is an excellent workshop whether you come as a retired Vet. or a single Father. I am going home empowered. I am looking forward to sitting down with my Family and Employer and letting have some of this Eagle Power.Thank You Counselors!Edward Humphrey
Horizon Outreach has been a blessing to me and it has impacted my life positively by giving me a better chance and opportunity to be a better Father. I recommend the Eagle Fathers program to any Father
Horizon Outreach is a great program for fathers who are trying to make a better life for themselves and for there kids. They help you come a better person and every way possible. I think its something every father should check out.!
Horizon Outreach is a program that allows men who society counted out a fresh start by giving them options due to learning high demanding jobs skills. The completion of this life changing helps provides a stable and healthy environment for the fathers and their children financially, mentally, economically. Ultimately changing the direction of all the fathers their families from a low spiral down to soaring high like eagles above all obstacles and storms that life might bring with brand new confidence, attitude and positive approach! This program would not be possible without Ms. Katrina Johnson who was given a vision during a time of her own trial and error and instead of folding under pressure like most, she took that heavy pressure of life pushed out a diamond,(HORIZON OUTREACH), and the mission is giving everyone a new start so they can fly like eagles.
My personal experience attending the program was awesome. I learned some necessary tools to help me to elevate in my life. Its not to many programs that I know of that gives you life skills for free. I would give a rating of five stars.
The program is outstanding and very helpful. It is something more people need to be apart of. Life Changing events. Kudos to Mrs. Johnson and Mr. B. Thank you for all your help.
I truly appreciate the work being done at Horizon and the Vision given to Ms. Johnson. We as Fathers are being groomed to give the best of ourselves so that we can provide the best for our families. I cant express how much Ive been changed by the program. Keep Up The Good Work. EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE.!!!!!!!!
This program has been a big help with my family, helping me understand a lot about people that I didnt know. It also helped with communication skills. Highly Recommended to ANY ONE no matter the background or skill set with great benefits!!!
Ive had a great time here, loved the instructions & how they were delivered ! I have already recommended friends to Horizon Outreach ! these incentives are spot on for get into the work force with my back ground! thanks to the soaring eagle experiance Ive been better armed to face future endeavors !
Horizon Outreach was very helpful . If you are a man looking to better yourself I would highly suggest you check out the program. The staff and the resources are truly helpful. Get on track with Horizon and soar like a eagle. !!!!!!!!
Its a nice program for single fathers to get new start & educated on being a better parent and workforce in employment. The staff is professional and patient with helping you with whatever you need. Ill recommend this program to anyone looking for another chance to better themselves.
The Eagle Horizon Program has been a wonderful experience. It has given me more tools that I need to succeed in life with my personal and social life. thank you for making me an Eagle, so that I may Soar high!
This has truly been an amazing and life changing experience to say the least. From the teachers & instructors sharing their insight and knowledge in helping young fathers excel and reach to the stars to giving us the tools in depth to do so! Id recommend the horizon outreach program to any father looking for a second chance. EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE!!!
This program has been a blessing being able to learn new things to life becoming a better parent and a better person thanks toMrs.johnson and everyone who works with her..
I learned a lot from the Horizon Outreach Program on becoming a better parent and father to my children and it helped me work on active listening and communicating better with my significant other along with learning different ideas on making investments for the future. This program was very effective and I would refer anyone there thats in need to start over a second chance at life.
The staff are very helpful, sweet and great. The program help me a lot to be more successful. Horizon is a program for anyone and everybody welcome. The staff couldnt be more great that than they are and good looking :)
I think this program is awesome and a very much needed. I have learned so much. I discovered new ideas on parenting and budget strategies. I really would recommend more men to attend.
I would highly recommend anyone to seek this opportunity if given the chance because the end result is priceless in a positive way. Horizon Outreach has help me as a single father, in my outlook in life, and personally. In fact, I would recommend anyone to join this program because it definitely worth it.
This program has been an effective resource for me in increasing my emotional awareness and making me a more effective father, while making me more economically viable. Because of the Horizon Outreach workshops, I have more patience with my child and have more confidence in my job search and interviewing and resume writing skills.
The program at horizon help to better my understanding of fatherhood.They have given me the right skills and tools to become a better father and to look forward to being financially stability. I definitely recommend this program for anybody with job search problems and career searches responsibilities
My experience with the Horzion Outreach Program has been Excellent, I would recommend any and everybody to come and gain Knowledge to better yourself as Man
Its a place to call home where everyone is making a change in there life. ITS FREE just need yourself and motivation to want more in life.. 30 day process u wont regret. I am a soaring eagle, lets soar together...
The program has impacted me in more than one area of my life, its help me with being a better parent and spouse, and it has help me with better understanding money. It has help me learn how to create a resume, and how to conduct myself in a job interview. This is a really great program!
I would like to say Horizon Outreach is a beautiful program and gave me the determination to continue to seek the brighter future of my life and showed me the process of being a good and successful father. To be a builder and continue to build for myself and my daughter. Thanks for all the great help in parenting, healthy relationship, economic stability also for the help in my resume and showing me how to begin my job search. Also for the help on assistance in getting my forklift certification and TWIC card. Thanks For Everything.
This program is one of the best things Ive done with my life in a long time. Helping a person with some of the necessary tools to compete in the job market is valuable. Obtaining a T.W.I.C card is a good thing in the city of Houston to have. Paying of my surcharges almost made me break done in tears.
This is a beautiful program for lost men to find themselves and improve their well being. Improve relationships, improve financial budget, improve business plan, resume, and etc. Great program!!
This program has impacted my life in a major way and I will recommend more fathers to this program
The program help me out a lot how to be a better person how to look for a job be a better person for my son and be in his life I so happy that I took this program .
Real good people I recommend any man that need help come talk to them
First off I like to thank GOD for the opportunity to be invited to Horizon Outreach. I have learn a great deal of information over the last month and will be sure to inform other men about the program and encourage them to enroll. Two words VERY INFORMATIVE.
When my life was at the lowest meaning released from prison all I wanted was a shot at a new start, and with all the bad things in my past life horizon outreach opened my eyes to knew things not only in employment but in my personal life with my son Keylan in which he is 17 years old. By coming to this program I have learn how to talk to him with more understanding. It was hard for me to come back to a world and start over fresh with nothing. Now with all the information given to me I know better was to handle situations good or bad that may come my way. I really would like to thank Ms Johnson for giving back to her community in giving us a second chance in life. I would also like to give thanks to all staff that works with the Horizon Outreach. In these classes my most favorite was in fact resume writing in which I have learned so much. To all staff I would like to say may God bless you all
The Horizon Outreach program has and will continue to be a stepping stone for myself and fellow eagles.Ive learned how to better my purpose as a father in my childrens lives, how to effectively job search, resume build, and keep a positive attitude toward the future!I would deftly recommend others to attend and obtain usable, workable, and sensible knowledge, which will forge one further ahead!THX alot, Horizon Outreach! cont. your Perfect works.
It’s honestly a great program!! The staff helps you wit just about all your problems. Their energy is always positive which helps you to elevate like the eagle they see you as.EVERYBODY SHOULD COME FLY WITH THEM!!!
The best program I could have ever been apart in my life and now Im ready for this new chapter in my life to began, Thank you horizon Outreach
Horizon outreach and its staff has been such a blessing to me. through the program i have found employment and given me the courage to be a better father, friend, co-worker and family member. again thank you Horizon outreach and staff.
Horizon is the most benefit program thats really help young black mans! We are give a 2nd chance to get our life right! And be better mans for our family! This program is a blessing! THANK U ALL FOR UR LOVE AND HELP!!!!!
Great program for job opportunities...I learned a lot in parenting skill such as spending more time with your children.
Everybody here is helpful, the program has helped me to learn better relationship, parenting, and economic/Job search skills, I am a better person since I have been here in the program I would definitely recommend this program to anyone that is in need.
This program has helped me in so many ways, like being a better farther,a better person, and how to present myself in a job interview,and how to deal with my relationship issues, and also how to communicate with introvert and a extravert
From: Horizon Outreach Current ClientHorizon Outreach is a great place. Horizon Outreach encouraged me to continue reaching forward to excellence. With the help of Horizon Outreach Eagle Program I was able to find housing and obtain my forklift certification. I talked to an employer recently and explained that I obtained my forklift certification through Horizon Outreach along with driver qualifications and he said “my job is about to happen.”L. Wynne, U.S. Navy. Eagle Father CH 2-18
It taught me to be a better parent to learn how to be responsible I thank. Horizon Outreach its a life saver.
This program is the truth!!! I like to thank Ms. Johnson and her staff for taking the time to help me and the guys for making a difference in our life. I have learned alot on making myself a better father to my little girl. I recommend all the fathers to take this class to better there self of being better fathers. Eagle,Eagle,Eagle.
Great place. helped me get a new outlook on life
I Would Like To Thank The Horizon Outreach For The Program. For There Program It Is The Best Thing That Happen Too Me This Year, And All The Staff For There Hard Work And Services For the Disable. And I Will Let People Know About The Program. Let Go Eagles. Thanks
I love it an yall have helped me out in some many ways
The program helped me with me better my parenting skills and it also gave me the incentives I needed to get a better job.
This was a great experience that taught me a lot to help me in most of the relationships in my life.
THE program has taught me a lot how to love and how to understand my kids and knowing how to deal with them. I recommend this program to every dad thats out there
I have had a great experience at the Horizon Outreach Program. I have learned better parenting skills dealing with my son. I have devlopled better communicating skills as an adult. Ms.Johnson is the founder which is a great person she is very understanding and is willing to help with any problems or concerns. she has a wonderful compassionate work crew including Mr.B, Mr.Wright, and Ms.Patience. I would recommend this program for anyone willing and want to do better in life
I am very pleased to apart of the eagles nest its filled with so many positive people that wants to be apart of your positive future. i look forward to coming here and its good to know that there here for you whenever you need them..thank you horizon outreach.
Its a great experience on getting your life on track. I wish there were more programs that could help with job skills.
How did i hear about the program is through a friend.the horizon eagle program expires me to want to accomplish any goal i set out there and dont let nothing get your way i would recommend anyone there
This program has helped in areas of my life that I didnt know how to deal with. With the tools and skill that the school have given me tought me how to over come those problems
This place has taught me alot about budging my money and helping with my attitude.
Was very thankful for the knowledge giving to me in pursue a better lifestyle for self empowerment
Was blown away not knowing what I was getting into. First interaction made me a believer. Truly thank god for the opportunity. Right on time. Thank you all for the experience. Speak into existence future eagle!!!!!!!
The program have giving me an opportunity in life and giving me the chance to make a difference in my life
Like so many others that came looking for just a twic card. as classes progress I realized I was learning more.using this program I was able to look at myself and started using the tools that were given overall if your looking to change yourself horizon outreach is where you need to go.
Its very helpful also it help with way treat my wife and daughter as well the of my family. Im very proud of myself.
Horizon Outreach is a very good program, It has truly help me in my job search. Also the program has prepared me in making the right career goals for a productive future.
I love this program! It have taught me to Soar high and look low.
I love the staff at Horizon Outreach. They really believe in helping all of the eagle fathers and I would recommend for any and everyone to go through this program.
This program is a perfect fit for anyone with obstacles that society frowns upon. It speaks in a language that is down to earth beginning with their workshops, continuing with their staff, and ending with their incentives.Thanks Horizon for bending to help me up.
I am very grateful to be able to be apart of the womens Faith Program. I look forward to the up coming classes, and the certifications that I will be starting my New Year off with and being able to start my new future.
I really enjoyed my time with horizon outreach program there very helpful and they dont judge you
I think this program was very effective and very useful.iam very happy and glad that I was introduce to the program.I learn a lot from this program. eagle eagle eagle
The program has really showed me how to be a father, man to my kids and family. the staff is so sweet and nice, they work with me all the time. they never let me down. they need a raise on there next check. im proud of myself and family. but all praises go to GOD OUR FATHER who has been with me thru this process of.
To be honest i was unaware this Program ever existed but i was So GLAD I had the Chance to be Part of a GREAT PROGRAM.. if I COULD GIVE IT 10STARS! The Staff was COMPLETE with PEOPLE that REALLY cared about your well being i PROUD TO SAY I COMPLETE THE EAGLE PROGRAM..............*************** LETS SORE