I have never had such a great experience at any other shipper. I docked on door 21 at 11:20 AM (Load paperwork initialed by E.B on 09/02/20.... please give that man an award!) I was at the exit gate by 11:30AM ! The young lady at the gate was extremely polite and professional. The young man who loaded me with 41k+ lbs of freight was fast and distributed the weight perfectly. I would love to pick up another load from this facility. Amazing staff. 10/10
Id advise only getting there 30 to 45 mins before your appointment. Anything earlier youd ruin your clock. Checked in at 0938 for a 1230 appointment and didnt leave until 1400. Once they start loading youll be loaded within 45 mins. To avoid the frustration just try to get there as close to your appointment time as possible.
Best tile, best business experience, visit us
Large warehouse, plenty of space to move around w/ trlr. Friendly guards.
Extremely easy to find.Going south on I45 cross over highway 8,take exit#59 West road go west to Ella take right .After stop sign its on the left inside a black gate. Go to guardshack on left, get in left lane,give pickup number with destination and your truck# and name. Will be given a piece of paper with a door#. Go to the right around the building and look for door#. Open doors putting paperwork in rear. No tandem sliding needed.Chock tires.Wait in truck til unloaded. Located on opposite side of street from Amazon Warehouse. Plenty of areas for U-turns or to park for nap off property. Safety Vest is Always smart.Have a Blessed Day!
Very efficient and fast at getting you empty and on your way. You cant park onsite after hours but no problem during hours if you need rest
I arrived last night for a 00:01 appointment. The nice female security guard told me they were not taking anymore loads until 5:00 and to park across the street in the Amazon Prime parking lot, which I did. This morning, at 5:00 am, I was allowed to check in at door 81, was sent to door 86, and they were finished within 10 minutes!!! Yep, 10!!!
These people Dont know what there doing. Pulled in at 8 for a 9 pickup and sat till almost noon, when someone comes out and asksed for a pickup #. She then proceeded to tell us our pickup isnt till 1:30. Yep we sat and watched them all leave for lunch. We couldnt even get inside to use the restroom all doors are locked. We wont be doing any deliveries for these people again.
Employes are friendly but it took forever to get loaded, I arrived around 1pm and get out around 6pm
Place is HUGE. Hard to find. Its right across the street from the Amazon warehouse.
Hey hey! Just cuz ma man works here 😘
In and out they respect driver time here
Good service
Yay tile