The greatest Martial Arts secret in the Lowcountry. Very few Martial Arts teachers have the training, experience and wisdom that distinguishes this gentleman.
Best place to become an advanced martial artist. Self defense, weapons training, hand to hand combat. Womens self-defense training, Real life situations, respect and discipline. Anything you are interested in it is here.
We teach children kuniba ha shito ryu karate do. It is a combination of the four major karate styles in Japan. Traditional katas with bunkai taught from katas. Adults learn this art form also along with kali, jkd, silat. Wing chun, Muay thai, and Aikido. Adults learn stand up fights arts, ground fight arts and weapons defense training. Classes held island recreation center on hilton head. Our world class instructors include Guru Dan Inosanto, Sifu Francis Fong, Master Chai, Soke Shogo Kuniba, and Soke Roy Suenaka.