I just want to say thank you so much for your amazing website! It is difficult to be zero waste when there are so many requirements on how to “recycle” certain items. Due to your very organized website I now can donate/recycle items properly. :) love that I can compost more than just food!!
We divert significant amounts of recyclable materials from local landfills each day. Plastics and textiles are recycled into new products with new uses.
Drove from Skokie to drop off appointment. Gentlemen left box full of chemicals in back of car😤
They have been fantastic! Weve attended several free events- paint, household goods! Made an appointment, showed up at appointed time and voila!
Say open till 4:30pm, called customer number at 4:15 and already closed
RUDE.Website wouldnt let me make appt.Showed up with my waste.NO other cars in sight.Did you have an appointment?Nope.Net time, make an appointment.