On a road trip I witnessed the driving habits of this company and can tell you they are insane. This isnt the driving habits of a courier who just has somewhere to gobut a clear insane person with bullying/ self inadequacy issues. This fool slingshot himself in front of our sizeable van and jumoed in front us almost flipping himself over then proceeded to try to push up vehicles much bigger than himself including a UPS he almost pushed off the road and several semis. He only sped up when something was in front of him or beside him but when he had open road he wouldnt never went faster proving hes just a dick.If you value your life or others safety dont give this jerk any jobs because I am very certain he will be the cause of *senseless* loss of life via car accident.
The owner is a hateful, hateful man that has declared that he WILL attack transgender women for using womens restrooms.Ill be contacting the police.