I work here in McKinney, TX. We frequently receive deliveries from Staples, UPS, FEDEX, and sometimes (unfortunately) XPO. Deliveries are made to the warehouse portion of our business, and I am always the contact person for these deliveries. They are not to be left by the courier on the dock, blocking the bay door. Those doors need to be clear at all times, as we have people coming and going at all hours of the day. All delivery services know this and abide by that rule. Staples, UPS, and FEDEX always take the delivery to where it needs to be placed (always less than 100 feet from the door).The few times that XPO has delivered to us, the XPO drivers always lazily leave the delivery on the dock, blocking the door. They do this even after I ask them to please put it where we need it. They rudely ignore my request. And these are not small deliveries. These are pallets that weigh hundreds of pounds. The XPO driver already has the pallet on a pallet jack. He can simply roll it to where it needs to be dropped. That would take all of 2 minutes. But they are too lazy to do even that. They always talk back and refuse to do their job. I should point out that Im a small woman, Im 411 and I weigh about a hundred pounds. Im hardly intimidating, which is why the back talk is not a surprise. But its funny how when my boss, who happens to be a man and is at least 511, comes out of his office, they do exactly what they are supposed to do. No back talk.Back in August 2017, I encountered an extremely rude individual named Freddy D. I dont know his last name, since he signed the invoice Freddy D. He flat out said it wasnt his job to move the shipment. We are your customer. Yes, it is your job. His tone completely changed when my boss came out of his office and reiterated that the shipment needed to be placed somewhere other than where he left it. He moved it, without any back talk. If it wasnt your job, Freddy D, why didnt you give my boss back talk? I know the fact that Im a woman colored his resistance to doing his job.The reason Im leaving a bad review is because I had a second negative incident today. This time it was Keith. He showed up and dumped everything on the front dock, without even notifying me we had a shipment. Couriers are supposed to find a contact person before they unload a delivery. I was at the other end of the warehouse checking in some of our independent operators, as they came back from their routes. I happened to walk up and saw that he had dropped 2 pallets right at the bay door, and was lazily waiting for me to walk over to sign the invoice. I asked him to please move them to the appropriate spot. He refused. I reminded him that we are his customer. The concept of customer service seemed totally lost on him, because the shipment sat where he left it.Staples, UPS, and FEDEX have raised the bar. XPO, why dont you join them. You are operating well below par at his point. And I say this as someone who has never necessarily cared for UPS and FEDEX. That should speak volumes.The deliveries you are making are things we have ordered, which means we are choosing to use you as a courier service. Im just an employee, but I guarantee if it was up to me, we wouldnt use XPO at all. I am not impressed with this lazy operation.Bottom line, we are your customer. Do your job, and always take care of your customer.