When our regular realtor contract was expiring without a sale our realtor recommended we go with Tranzon as the next step. In my personal opinion, I had serious concerns about Tranzons business ethics. We were shocked to discover that the first two bids on our property were fake - Tranzon had put them in as shills to stir up interest. Also, I felt the way they disclosed some information to potential buyers skirted at the edge of honesty. The same was true about their level of disclosure to us about their fees, even though I had an email trail about the issue. Even though they eventually sold the property, not by auction and for an 8% !! commission, I still regret using them. As a positive, they did a better job of using the Internet to market our property than did our traditional realtor. The next time I had to sell a distressed property I did so via cash for houses buy and by comparison that felt like a true and honest deal.