The course that Dale proctored discussing John Maxwells 21 Laws and 5 Levels of Leadership was fabulous. Digging in deep to each law and seeing how it applies to the group allowed the book to be more than just text on a page. Dale also did a great job showing how it was applicable to each group member. The coordination of reading the two books together connected the dots on how to grow yourself and your business. The time commitment was well worth it. Thank you Dale!
I had the opportunity to benefit from Dales leadership expertise through an educational series he facilitated leveraging the Maxwell Leadership Philosophy. Dales knowledge of what comprises exceptional leadership, and the impact of leadership on organizational performance, had a profound effect on my own leadership awareness.In addition to his wisdom in this area, Dale brings a fun and personal approach to facilitation that fosters collaboration and group learning. He has launched me on a journey to expand my own leadership capabilities!
Dale Henry was instrumental in opening my eyes to the foundation of leadership. I thought I knew much more about it than I truly did. His insight gave me the compass and the courage to explore a deeper level of leadership. We had several of our leadership team participate in his program and have all gone on to grow in their careers largely because of the world of possibilities that Dale taught and presented to us.
“Dale presents a very enlightening way of looking at the various traits of ‘true’ leaders versus people in ‘leadership roles’. Dale does an excellent job of pulling from the team members their thoughts and experiences in a non-threatening way, which allows everyone to learn from other’s experiences as well as from the Maxwell leadership model. He adds value to leaders at every level of an organization.”
Dale is truly one of the most knowledgeable and talented leadership coaches in the industry. Beyond his impressive portfolio of clientele, his level of service and commitment to each and every client he works with is extremely evident from the moment you meet with him. Over the past few years his coaching has enabled me to 4X my business and drive it to the next level to build my leadership team. My team has never been as connected or commitment to the mission of the organization which has led to stunning multi-market growth and that is because of Dale’s insight.
Wow! Dales ability to unpack leadership concepts in a way that can be easily understood and applied is a gift. Each time I met with Dale, I walked away with actionable knowledge that worked in my real estate brokerage.