I agree with Ed! York Risk Services Group people do not return phone calls! I thought it might be the case when the greeting of my contact stated I may need to wait for the full 24hr period to get a return call. Claim around mid December and days go by without movement of any kind. All of my medical and the testing people I have been sent to see wait for days to hear from York Risk Services Group for approval and direction from these folks on anything. STILL WAITING...... 😡
I have a ongoing claim that has been since Nov 29 2018 and have not got a call back from any. Adjuster I have called over daily and dont get a responce all I get is call your adjuster trust me dont put any of your trust in them never the less provide insurance with them, they are very unprofessional irresponsible group i warn everyone dont purchase any services just a heads up .their customer wrecked into my cars and I cant even get sandra tritt to call me back .
Great place for work and opportunity.