There is always someone who is happy to help and everyone is genuinely passionate about helping children. Just altogether a great organization.
The counselor was great - she went above and beyond in her duties. One problem, however, is that your child is assessed without any input whatsoever from you and the assessment is based on how they behave while enduring the trauma of being in foster care. Goals are then shared with CPS but not the parent(s). During the process, at each visit, you sign a BLANK sheet of paper. And, the biggest problem I had with this company is that they dont share their thoughts about you or your children with you. They keep their feedback to themselves only to be shared with CPS. You dont have to use a CPS referral. You can contact the Universities and get BETTER services based on your income (as low as $10 a month). That way, any and all feedback regarding YOUR children from YOUR therapist will be shared directly with YOU versus being funneled through the government, potentially losing factual accuracy along the way.
Great people. Great organization. Their management of the foster child/foster parent/foster home process is outstanding.
They are god awful. They dont treat their employees or the children to kerp them safe or with respect. It was by far the worst job of my entire life and I an in my mid 50s.
SCYAP is a great place to work. SCYAP staff really care about the children and families they serve. Ive worked with over 70 child care agencies in both NC and SC and Ive never seen a company more dedicated to their mission than SCYAP.
Thank you SCYAP for all you do to help kiddos! They are the future.
SCYAP goes above and beyond to help children and youth!