Tried calling. Their service is not working
B.I.M.A. has achieved amazing results in my business here in Switzerland. I was very surprised how easily this technology rapidly enables one to focus on the correct and precise period of time during which a significant change was made in the business. Now I can look at my clients’ management challenges from a different and better perspective and can more effectively help them to revert any declining activity or improve any positive activity. I like the simplicity of this technology and am very excited about how it will allow me to make a difference for the management services market in my region. Renata, thank you so much.
RenataThanks so much for all the help you have given to our company. The simple steps of the program you did for us based on the fantastic analysis you did were just the thing we needed to do. Our company is no on the right track.Keep up the good work.Alex SerranoCEO Form & Image.
My Business Consultants did an awesome job for us. Renata knew exactly where to dig for more information and got to the root of the problem. As soon as we put the first step of our program into place, the whole office calmed down.At first, it was a little unsettling to have less activity because it seemed that we were producing less but it turned out that we were actually producing more with less effort.It became clear that we could not only produce more with less effort but also that we had eliminated so much wasted time that we could add more sales staff without having to add more support/admin staff to handle the added production.Excellent job! Thank you for putting us on the right track!
Renata at My Business Consultants was Sherlock Holmes, then a Magician and then a complete GENIUS!!! Honestly it was so amazing. At first, it was unbelievable. She looked at something, which to me looked pretty much the same... going up and down across a graph, but she could see something I could not. She told me to remember what happened in March 2013. REALLY?! I couldnt remember breakfast! I had to get my appointment book and look. There, on a little note in that book was the whole explanation. I thought it would be something I was going through or some way I was thinking about the business... No, she said, you did something physical in your business, not a thinking thing. I hadnt changed anything that drastically, I was thinking... I did though... I had quit accepting credit cards bc my business was too small. OMG! I actually made that happen by doing this! I made it smaller! It had slowly eroded a higher performance state! Suddenly I knew it had been a huge mistake. I hadnt taken in all the clients I could have bc they only carry plastic and didnt have time to go to a bank to get cash.I was a little red by having thought I was right and they (my paying clients!!!) were wrong... Renata assures me all is not lost... Now that she has found the why of what happened, I can put back in taking credit cards and my statistics will start climbing again. Whew!I dont know how she knew EXACTLY where I needed to look, but I can tell you, with her help it was not a trial and error long time figuring it out problem. It is an immediate resolution.I AM SO HAPPY!!!!Renata! Thank you thank you thank you!!!