I started back in 2016 and I can say I love my job ...its my 2nd job i work part time but I love it here. The staff is great and the company is a great place to work for its union also.
Do not work for this company they mess up people checks. I still havent received my check, I called them Friday morning about me not getting paid, its Tuesday and i have not received my check. They mess people hours up just a bad company to work for. The crazy thing about all this I only worked for them for two days...this shows you that they are not a good company to work for. Very unprofessional...WORST COMPANY EVER
I am familiar with two employees from this company. One fills in when the first is on vacation. The first continously tries and succeeds at reducing the cleaning they have to do. The work environment has become hostel and dirty! They have faced zero consequences. One bad apple has spoiled any opinion I have of thos company.
Great company and people.
I used to work for them back in 1994 and I never had an issue with anything, just a district manager and she has not been with the company for years, so thats a plus on my part. ABM is what u make it! Its a decent cleaning company.
I was just hired by what seemed to be a company that I would have job opportunities with...well I will say at the start that I choose to start with a job title: Cleaner position in the interview I was made to believe that I would be cleaning corporate offices with dusting, dumping trash cans to vacuuming my assigned areas...this did not appear to be the case when I met with supervisor he stated that right now they have a greater need for me to clean all the restrooms on 5 different floors thats 18 medium to large restrooms in 4.5 hours! Im exhausted my body feels broke down and is a pile of sweat upon leaving, needless to say this will not be working out for me! I am calling the HR to see if I can have a transfer and advise anyone when an EMPLOYER asks do you have questions? Ask them to be exact to in what the role is in exact details and if they say floors or restrooms, how many will you be responsible for in that time period!
I am highly disappointed in this service. I purchased a parking pass for the two months that I needed for the East Usquare garage in Clifton. I noticed that they raised their prices since the last time I checked and their methods of prorating month payments is awful. There were also two periods where I had to move my car (one time to the West garage) just because of maintenance. They are very rude and unresponsive to email. They also dont give any warning via text/email that cars need to be evacuated from a specific area of the garage by a certain day or else it will be towed. I do not recommend this company (or at least the Clifton location) to anyone.
The hiring and HR is extremely unprofessional and unorganized! I was called for an interview, went well. I was told I would start at a much higher pay and then contract said much lower. When I talked to them about it, she said she never told me that. The communication was horrible. I called and texted and never got replies. I showed up for my first day (as contract stated) bc they never replied to my starting date question, I wasnt suppose to start that day. I was put on pushing a broom(not at all my job description at hiring) in a very small floor coverage area. I do not recommend employment from my experience!
Unprofessional. Supervisors at certain locations and abm office people are just so Unprofessional....would not recommend