The hotel was conveniently located in the heart of the the city. All avenues of transport were very convenient. They did not get a 5 star because house keeping did not come to clean our room I had to call. Other than that, a very pleasant stay indeed.
Thank you for promoting business and growth in Illinois. Illinois does have great people, historical sites, business, artisans and natural wonders that are worth visiting.
Perhaps, one day the, great, State if Illinois will get its own tourism bureau. THIS current one only touts Chicago. Of course, look where its located.... God forbid that it let anyone know there are other attractions and civilization outside Chicagoland (ex: state capital, numerous festivals and state parks, smaller communities, etc.)! Meanwhile this one should be renamed the Chicago Department of Tourism . Oh Wait!... That already exists. Thanks to Windy City maneuvering, now there are two.... GO FIGURE!
Like many, I was very frustrated and upset that your state, the tourism section nonetheless, sought to alienate and offend many by inserting politics and social agendas into your latest add pushing and highlighting subjects that many find offensive and bad policy.f isolated to a targeted audience I could understand, but to represent the entire state and fling a topic and political point many people find offensive is both stupid and bad business. I speak for several in my social circle and family in ending trip plans for Chicago and Springfield and even avoid traveling through parts of the state if possible to try to at least economically state disapproval. Please keep politics out of tourism ads ~DBK
NASTY hiways. .....good grief! !! Get prisoners and juvenile delinquents out to clean this up. Its scary! !!
Disbanded : of some months ago; apparently.