I have worked with Helene on various personal issues throughout the years.I have also confidently referred my clients to Helene knowing that they will be respected and safe.I admire Helenes broad knowledge base as well as her genuine warmth. As a client, both are equally important to me!Some of Helenes offerings are uniquely giftable! A Tarot reading or MARI reading would be that kind of gift experience young people seem to be seeking these days.I can still, very clearly recall a positive visual experience I had while under hypnosis in a session with Helene. That visual can still calm me all these years later.
Helene is a gifted practitioner who has an endless source of techniques to offer anyone needing support with issues manifesting in the physical, emotional and/or spirit realm of life. I have had the opportunity to work with her for over five years and I never cease to be amazed at how she can unravel and unveil the root of deep seeded issues that I may simply be experiencing through feelings of fatigue or relationship challenges. I am grateful to have her as an integral part of my personal health care.
Helene is a highly experienced practitioner with a deeply rooted integrity. Her presence is intuitive, gentle and grounded. She has a masterful way of following and unfolding process, offering guidance and insight where relevant. I found her on-point, knowledgable, genuinely caring and an authentic holder of the wisdom of multiple paths.