It has been great to have the Phoenix Energy Services crew with us. You have a great crew of hard working people. We appreciate having them here.
Terrible company . I almost froze to death one night after we got stuck in a blizzard . I asked my boss Cole at the time if I could walk back to get the forklift to pull us out . It was all good. They told me to stay on the main road .I had 8 miles to walk . Next thing you know it was negitive 17 and a white out blizzard . I walked the whole way and got the lift but I couldnt see anymore . The back window to the forklift was broken and I couldnt find them . I was running out of diesal also . So I made the decision to shut the lift off and try to stay warm . I sat in the cold and almost froze to death for nearly 5 hours before they found me . I could barely talk and was extrely sick . I was told not to mention this to anyone and no incodent report was never filed but I have auidio recorded phone calls and conversations we had and a few text as proof . Was later fired for a dirty room to avoid a possible lawsuit I imagine