The best bondsmen hands down! I used his services many times in the past and he never let me down. He responsive, friendly, trustworthy, and understanding. He has the lowest price around and he will work out a good payment plan.
A friend for life, he is a good listener, very trustworthy and tries to help in anyway he can in a situation that not everyone goes through in life. If we have to use him again we will and I highly recommend him!
I called angel for a bond he came immediately business was fast and smooth and will be my new bondsman from here on out thanks for the great service - Eddie
Angel has the best pricing and payment options came immediately when I called!
He helped us through out the process no if or what was fast and efficient my sons uncle was out in a matter of hours definitely do recommend Angel!
Angel is #1 bail bondsman out here for sure! He’s professional, yet still caring . He was very fast and super resourceful, even after a month he still went out of his way to help me and my family.
Angel is prompt and professional comes ASAP I use him for all my bail bonds needs
Met an angel a few years ago. He has bonds me and a couple of my people out all the years i know him. I seen him in the court house all the time . he so friendly and down to earth. So glad he doin his own thing. I would recommend him to everyone
Angel was very easy to work with. Explained the process and let us make payments, was hard time for our family. Thank You again Angel. Me and my whole family will remember your help.
He was really high
Known Angel since in 2nd grade.. He has been an awesome and sincere friend, He became a bondsman years ago, never thought I would know anyone that would need a bondsman till that unfortunate and unexpected day came,, but he came through as a friend and explained the process and helped my loved one out,, I definitely appreciate his professionalism and would recommend him ... Number One bondsman ....!!!
Great service provided by Angel every time, had unfortunate situations with the law. But Angel was always prompt and very helpful. Would recommend him always.
Very unprofessional stands people up says he will bail someone out and never came and his people never shows