Jimmy and David were great to work with! Constant communication and tons of knowledge. I highly recommend their services!
I dealt with a tenant from hell a few months back who ended up catching the property on fire. After dealing with my insurance claim, I vowed never to deal with tenants again. I found these guys as they were working on another project close to the subject property and they were kind enough to send someone over to take a look at my place. We were able to strike a deal and they ended up purchasing the property “as is”. I must say, they did an AMAZING job as the place is no longer the “eyesore” of the neighborhood. Will definitely do business with them again. Thumbs up!
Im very doubtful of selling my property to someone I knew in the phone until I met this cool guys who helped me all through out the process. Thanks guys for helping me out with the things I need to complete and for considering our sentiments with our home. Did really great!
It took me awhile to decide to write this review as I hardly ever write any reviews for anything, but I definitely have to make an exception this time. I was really in a bind a few months ago, I lost my job and was behind on payments. My ego wouldn’t allow me to accept my reality at the time so the bills started piling up and I simply didn’t know who to turn to. I some how stumbled on their website and completed the inquiry form online. One of their representatives (Claire), reached out to me and comforted me throughout the process. They were able to bring my team current and made me an offer for the house. On top of that, they allowed me to stay in the house for several months “rent free” while I got my affairs in order PRIVATELY. They were truly a blessing and a true God send. I can honestly say “Thank you” to these guys for helping me at a time that I needed it most
My wife and I recently sold our entire portfolio to these guys. We’ve been retired for severalyears now and we simply were tired of managing our rental properties. On top of that, we weretired of dealing with dishonest property managers and it got to a point where the stress wasstarting to affect our way of life. We contacted VHO online and we received a call from Andy in amatter of minutes. We sold them our entire portfolio which consisted of several houses andmulti units throughout the Bay Area. Everything went as they explained it would go. I honestlythink it would’ve taken us months if we sold it the “old fashioned” way. These guys are great!
We had one of our rentals in CA that caught on fire several months ago. Both my husband and Icouldn’t imagine trying to manage a project since we’re out of state. I reached out to Niel fromVelocity Home Offer and he listened to our situation and guided us through the entire process.To our surprise, they gave us a pretty good offer and everything closed in 2 weeks so as youcould imagine we were pretty happy. They get an A+ in our book! – Michelle. L
I inherited a property from my mom and to be honest it was more of a burden then it was an asset. I found myself having to pay two mortgages now instead of one. On top of that, I was not able to collect any rents while a family member was residing in the property. I reached out to VHO and they were able to assist me with setting me up with a good probate attorney and bought my property WITH TENANTS IN PLACE! Glad I was able to reach out to me as most others turned me down given the situation. These guys are ROCKSTARS in my book!
Jimmys a solid guy with a great reputation. I would highly recommend to my friends and family. Thanks, Jimmy!
I bought a property with my wife after watching a few House flipping shows online. It was acomplete disaster! We were ripped off by our contractor, property was broken into 5 times, andit took WAAY longer then we expected. We reached out to an agent who didn’t want to list ituntil it was done. We felt hopeless and didn’t know where to turn so I looked up a few “housebuying companies” online and came across VHO. We received several offers including one fromAndy with VHO. We decided to go with VHO simply due to their service and proven track recordof buying these types of properties. They did exactly everything they said they would do and wegot a pretty fair price for the “half construction” project that we never completed. We recentlydrove by the old house and the place looks AMAZING! These guys are the real deal – Bobbi & Phillip
I contacted VHO when I inherited my grandma’s house several months ago. I apparently alsoinherited some squatters as well (Thanks grandma lol). I contacted an agent initially and theywere reluctant to list it for me given my situation. I would get regular calls from the PD andangry neighbors. VHO was able to purchase the property and I never had to deal with theproperty (or the squatters) ever again. THANK YOU VHO!