Elevator at Metro Storage on Cattlemen Road has been out since last Monday, November 30th. Thyssem Krupp replaced elevator motor. Elevator did not run. Called electrician. Had a service call. Was told call FPL. FPL came out 2 times. Not power supply issue. Current is there. Elevator still will not runContinue to call Thyssem Krupp and told they will service elevator on Monday.What elevator service company only works during the week? Is the elevator not suppose to run on a 24 hour cycle?Are the clients to be held hostage by an unconcerned elevator company because they will not service their elevators on a weekend? What about after 5:00 PM?If I lived in a high rise condo and this companys elevators were what I had to ride in. I will need to rethink getting in their elevator. What happens to me if the elevator stops? Who will help me get out?Totally unprofessional situtation. As a client of Metro Storage I can not remove my things now for 6 days. I repeat 6 days. Unacceptable .