Troy helps put things in perspective by helping us see what holds us back from being our authentic selves consistently. His methods unraveled some of my past childhood wounds that were interfering with my ability to handle even basic relationship challenges let alone big ones with my wife and coworkers. His work makes it much easier for me to navigate life with forward momentum and personal growth now. I’m much less hard on myself using these teachings and it’s making life joyful and grateful. Thank Troy. Great stuff!
DON’T recommend this business to anyone. Highly recommend interviewing before you commit. I met with Troy and we where supposed to do some “trade” however I paid for my wife and I to join his courses. After our busy schedule and my wife having brain surgery I finally decided it was not going to work out. I approached Troy about refunding us the money that was paid for the course since we where not taking it. He took over two months to talk to his wife about it. Then wanted to meet face to face about it. That is a sales tactic to try and save the sale and get me to sign back up. I declined and asked what the big deal was and why he couldn’t just refund the money and he told me that there is a no refund policy. What? Where did that come from? That was never discussed nor was it ever said. So my suggestion is do your research, don’t pay a dime until you get everything in writing, and if god forbid you decide to go this route I hope your experience is better than mine and better than most people that know Troy. I’m sure he will get on here and say how much he tried and how it’s my fault or apologize for the situation but the way to make the situation right is refund my money. Let’s wait and see what happens.
Waste of time and money. Troy doesn’t even live by the things he teaches. Do not recommend!
Troy has a great knowlage about communication and the barriers that stop us from connecting with the people in our lives. I’m always excited to hear from Troy about new hints and thoughts to add to his teachings
The only place you will be trained with my self-styled Story Mending techniques. Using the symptoms in your body, mind and spirit to go inside you, lighten the load between your ears and rewire you for your ultimate health and organic longevity.