If you ever have this person deal with your case as it relates to your child, you will be thrown up in the matrix with thousands of men who are victimized by false accusations of neglect and abuse. Midway through trying to have the courts hear my validated reason why my daughter was attempting suicide (never on my watch), the courts suspended my visits after more than 11 years in my childs life.This attorney reached for anything BUT the truth and even skewed his own screwed up recommendation to keep my 5-month suspended visits as is until my child is better. He never referred to my childs medical records for proof, nor did he refer to my latest VALIDATED filing, which included hospital records. Instead, he asked that he stay on the case because he liked my child and enjoyed his visit with her.What this guy enjoyed was being a part of the bigger white-washed picture of erasing Black fathers from their families. To him, Im just another n----- BUT GOD will touch his heart and he will one day ask forgiveness and repent. Im sure Im not the only dad whos relationship with their child was damaged by this guy and sickos like him.One 30-minute meeting with a child can NEVER take away 11 years of a legitimate parent-child relationship. By the way, you are NOT supposed to give yourself 5 stars. You dont even deserve ONE. Youre the WORST!