I have been an AT&T customer for over 12 years I upgraded my phones in January of 2018 I was told my bill wouldnt be over $145.00 dollars a month every month my bill has increased I am on a limited budget like most Americans and cant afford to pay that much but I budget my money so we can have a phone. Having a phone in this day and age is essential one can not bank shop fill out job applications or do anything without one . My husband is a war veteran and I am disabled dont think for one second that this country cares or takes care of the elderly or their Veterans my husbands quality of life has declined rapidly and I cant get any compensation for his war related injuries or illnesses we live on a very modest and thats an understatement we cant survive we will be homeless if this continues. AT&A is just an example of big companies taking advantage of everyone they dont care about their customers all they care about is MONEY. I dont know where to turn anymore Im at a loss all I call do is to please ask the average citizen to not patronize this company or any big company that takes advantage of us. We run this country lets speak out and tell them no more. Please tell everyone you know to stop making the rich richer and take back our country we should all live comfortably we dont need fancy cars clothes houses or vacations ect. We just need to be able to pay our bills buy groceries and make it without stressing about where our next meal will come from. My husband and myself have worked for all our lives and not asking for a hand out just reasonable pay and reasonable cost for the basics of life we can change this if we all stand together let take back our country and Quit making the big business richer and Im starting with AT&T rude uncaring customer service and supervisors are just as bad. Please join me and help al people out who need to just get by hard working people. Thank You.
I’m going with one star because none stars isn’t an option. I’ve had AT&T at my home for a year and the service is slow and terrible. It went completely out yesterday and when I called I was told it would be back up by 3pm (I called at 930am) and was told someone would be in touch with me regarding repair progress. Well, at 7 I call again. The operator starts to count the number of “burnt up” boards in my area and ceases counting at 5 and tells me he can’t give me a number of boards that aren’t working but it’s a lot. He doesn’t know when it will be fixed. I say, should I just get a different internet service provider? He says YES! What kind of terrible company is this? YES go to another company?! Absolutely unbelievable. Terrible internet service, terrible customer service. Definitely don’t give them a dime of your money. I’d rather pay another company more for decent service and I’m going to do—internet, cell phone, all of it. “Just ok is not ok” is a laughable slogan—ok would be a massive improvement over the inexcusably pathetic service they actually provide. I hope you can read the attitude and sassy-ness intended by this review. Weak, AT&T, real weak. ✌🏼👎🏼