I grew up in Japan and played Kendo all throughout my life in dojos in Japan. When I came to America later on in life, I was not sure I would be able to practice Kendo like I had in Japan, and thought it would be completely different. I was pleasantly surprised! Fudokan Kendo and Iaido is an amazing place to practice, with amazing Sensei (teachers) and a great open dojo! From just starting off in Kendo or having played kendo for years, Fudokan Kendo is a challenging dojo that helps build up basic skills and prepare you for future ranking up. I am so happy to have been able to participate at Fudokan as I really enjoyed my time, made lots of friends, and was able to continue on playing kendo in a challenging environment. Arigato Fudokan Kendo!
I joined Fudokan 4 months ago and it has been an amazing experience since the beginning. I highly recommend it to everyone who would like to make an attempt at Kendo for the first time, or who is looking to practice at a highly advance level. Great place and great people!
Best club to learn an awesome martial arts!