Good Selection At Auction! Good Buys! Lot Of Nice Merchandise! All Have Worked Hard Adjusting During The Pandemic To Keep The Merchandise Selling! I Am Sure It Was A Lot Better And Easier For The Staff With The Retail Store And Public Bidding Auction! The Employees Have Always Been Nice And Friendly On The Phone! The Forklift Drivers Are Really Helpful And Work Hard! The Two Management Gentlemen Could Not Be Better! All Is Very Smooth For A Weekly Auction! Always Well Pleased And Appreciate All They Do! Truth Is They Are Really A Large Air, Ground, TL And A LTL Trucking Operation And Sav-A-Bundle Deals With The Necessary Disposal Of Damaged And Overage Products And Are Very Efficient At What They Do! They Always Had A Great Live Auction Team Of Guys Before The Pandemic. Enjoyed The Auctions, When They Were Live And Also Sealed Bidding!
The auctions on Thursdays have a lot of everything! You can get some big deals. The store part has different items weekly, sometimes daily, at a big saving.
You really need to watch their items ahead of time to know if its worth going to the auction. They have a lot of variety in each auction.
Retail side is always empty.For years this was a great place to shop and get great bargains.These days not so much. Gets more and more disappointing week after week.Seems like their only concern is the auction area.
You never know what products they will have every week, but when they have something you need or use it is marked down tremendously!!I love this place! For example, yesterday I got Persil laundry soap for $2 a bottle.
I like to go here they always have good deals on there meats
Not e enough. New stuff butthe bargens are worth comming in for
U can find great bargains. They need more days of operations
This used to be a great place to find discounted goods but has become scarce. The products they do have were retail price.
Lots of variety so youll never know what your going to find. Great prices.
Great outing with my mother and awesome deals
Some really good deals!
No product to choose from. Fewer shelves. Probably shutting down is my guess.
You never know what youll find in here! Always some bargains
They have plenty of great deals and bargains
Sometime you get a good tax auction sometime not
Love it great prices
Interesting bargains when well stocked.
They have depleted the shelves and moved most of the products to the auction side. Not much to look at on the retail side.
I would recommend, its cheap and amazing
Saved a lot
Love this place!
Cheap random deals on everything from construction items to food to clothing
Has got variety of things on sale, especially auction items.
Great place to shop
Great deals.
Prices are NOT as good as in the past.
Great bargains!
Cheap and nonrefundable