This is an amazing gym with instructors who care. I am so excited to partner up with Christian and Mike and bring Excellent Krav Maga instruction back to Bellevue! 3 classroom and over 4,000 sq ft of training rooms. This is the largest and prestigious training studio on the East Side. Best of all the only officially certified with Krav Maga Worldwide gym in the area.
This Krav gym is about honest, supportive, no non-sense training backed by real world application. We set a high-bar, push ourselves to our physical limits, and ultimately mature our bodies and our minds. If you are ready to grow beyond your comfort zone, youll find training here very rewarding. And in the process, surprise yourself with your newfound capabilities.
Great new facilities and an amazing set of instructors who will teach you how to defend yourself and, as a bonus, give you a great workout. Youll also find a dedicated set of students who are very welcoming to new students of all levels.