My name is Tom Davis and I am an ordinary taxpayer in Mason County Washington. It is my understanding that CH2M HILL designed the Belfair Sewage Treatment Plant at the north end of Mason County. It is also my understanding that the construction contract to build the facility was awarded to Boss Construction of Bellingham, WA. It is a fact that Boss Construction is now in litigation with Mason County in an effort to collect some two million dollars in construction cost overruns. It is also a fact that on March 24, 2015, Mr. Tim Hart, President of Boss Construction appeared before the Board of Mason County Commissioners and testified that the cost overruns were due to “… terrible engineering”. Also worthy of note is that, although the original estimate to construct the facility was in the neighborhood of 24M, actual costs exceeded 48M.
It is my understanding that you failed in your design of the Belfair Wa. sewer system. The extra cost should be on your shoulders not the tax payers.
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