My previous medication provider left, (McCool) who understood me and was easy to talk to. Spoke with the new NP and she just wasn’t as kind or as understanding. I started seeing a therapist there, and while she was nice, every interaction felt fake. Multiple times she even read questions off the computer to ask me because she herself didn’t know what to ask. She didn’t seem *genuinely* interested in what I was saying, she seemed like she was just spacing out every conversation. And doing the old “yeah, uh huh, uh huh, yeah” routine. Didn’t offer a lot of helpful suggestions. I have PTSD and severe anxiety over a car accident I was in, and her suggestion was “well just go drive”.. thanks. Anxiety cured! Could only see half of her face every face time appointment because she frequently had her head resting on her hand and extremely close to the camera- so it was hard to connect given those reasons. I just stopped rescheduling any appointments and no one even bothered to call and check on me or anything. By the 3rd appointment I had to reiterate why I was there and what kind of help I was seeking because they were clueless. They would frequently change my appointments to inconvenient times for me and then tell me oh well that’s all I have available, take it or leave it pretty much and if I didn’t take it the next appointment would be weeks or months out. Didnt take my mental health seriously. It’s sad when someone wants and needs to get help to better themselves and the people that are there to help you could care less about you. Why even take a job in this field if you’re going to be that way towards patients?
The practitioner I usually go to decided to retire/go somewhere else. That’s fine and no big deal. However I then couldn’t get my prescription refill. I’ve been on anti anxiety/depressants for 4 years. They won’t refill my prescription until I see another practitioner which is also fine but they scheduled me out a month away. They won’t renew my prescription until then either. So I can’t get my prescription and have gone off it cold turkey for a month now. I’m freaking out and these A-holes could care less. This place can go to hell.
ACTUALLY NOT EVEN 1 STAR or EVEN 1/2 STAR.Send PSYCHATRIC HELP ASAP for the Management of this business (and Sherry Bunch MSN-APRN
My son had been seeing his practitioner for his ADHD meds for about a year on a 4-6 week basis. EACH appointment she had to look to see who he was and then asked us what the last appointment was about and if she doubted us (which she often did) she checked her notes and then conceded that indeed that was what had happened. My son was polite but he expressed more than once that he did not like her (which is huge, my son likes everyone, hes almost too forgiving with people sometimes). Then my dad died unexpectedly; my son was very close to him. Three weeks to the day later my husbands dad died which was also hard on him. About two or three weeks after was our appointment. Very perky and happy she expressed that shed had a great summer and asked how ours had been. Needless to say my son, husband and myself were not feeling so great about the summer. I told her somberly what happened and that it had hit my family, my son, very hard. She nodded and the meeting proceeded as normal. Then, as we were leaving, she smiled brightly at my son and said Well, I hope you keep having a nice summer. Ill see you in 6 weeks. We all just stopped and stared at her for a moment and she blinked and smiled then added, You guys, too. My husband grabbed my arm and lead my son and I out and we did not make another appointment; we switched what doctor managed his medications to another provider that day.For his mental health he saw a therapist he really liked who worked through the school as well. She always made sure to schedule appointments with him during breaks and was good with him. When he got older he had to switch to a new therapist. I was told he was getting therapy with her through the school as he had been with his previous therapist but it turns out that the only session hes had with her at all was one that I scheduled during the fall break of the year before last. I didnt realize because of the complications with COVID. All this time I thought my son was in therapy and he wasnt because she decided not to see him and not tell me. And now they want me to set him up with a therapist again. Because he gets the sessions during school which he needs (and because his therapist before this one was actually good) Im giving them one last chance but he wont be seeing that lady again. If I had another option that went through the school system, Id use them. Half the staff are rude and the other half dont care. Good therapists and providers are the like diamonds in the rough at this place, hard as heck to find and very valuable if you do.
My son had a telehealth appointment this evening. I we waited for the lady to send us a link or call for 20 minutes. I even called the office 4 times and left a message on the machine letting them know I had been waiting but had not received a link for the appointment. Finally on the 5th call I got a hold of someone and they said that we were marked as a no show and that they sent a link and called. I NEVER received anything! We don’t miss our appointments at this place and I even called confirmed and gave insurance info the day before. We usually don’t have any problems however this is a new lady that my son is seeing and so this first impression of her is not good. We have to have evening appointments which are hard to get and my son needs his medicine. So we have to wait a whole month longer for a new appointment or I have to take off work and him miss school! I may have to think about switching doctor offices. They need to do away with telehealth because obviously the system doesn’t work and start seeing patients in office like all other doctor offices!
This place is a joke. I had appointment at 8 am with Claire I was up and ready at this time. I was even called last week to confirm this appointment, which I did. So when a hour passes i call only to be told that Claire canceled my appt without even letting me know. Said I was a no call no show on July 23 which I was at building like I was told only to find out it was a phone appt. instead. For a place thats suppose to help people it has only caused me grief and anger.
E-town location. I was supposed to have refills for my sons medication for a year. The pharmacy screwed up and put 0 on the refills. I called Astra for help. They refused because he had to be seen for his next appointment first which is a week out. His medication is the type that you cant miss any days on. They flat out dont care. All you are is a number at this place.
ZERO STARS!!!Went to Astras clinic in Bardstown, KY on Jan/Feb of 2018. Luckily I paid with my credit card otherwise Id had no proof that I paid for the services that they -- EIGHTEEN MONTHS LATER -- say I never paid for! (My first contact of the no pay issue was this summer.)My story:I went in for the initial visit, forms, etc. I asked for a receipt and oddly enough the receptionist was unable to print one. Odd I thought, but was told that I would have to get one from their main office in Etown. In retrospect this seems a bit shady considering everything else thats happened.Then on my second visit I felt like I was the one giving the therapy instead of receiving it!!! Im like, Dude Im here to get help with my problems... NOT help you with yours. Thats when I decided I wouldnt return. I paid my bill, requested a receipt and got the same song and dance. I mentioned that I never received my initial receipt and that I would like to have both sent via mail. Still no receipts other than these ridiculous hey you never paid us bills.I thought everything was said and done. Bad experience - move on. Then in July -JULY!- of 2019 (18 months later) I get a letter saying that I never paid my bill! I call them to say I did but they have no record of it citing issues with our medical billing they hired. I tell them, Sorry not my responsibility to do your medical billers job.Then the lady asks for copies of my receipts to prove I paid. I say, thats funny because YOUR company never gave me a receipt... I find this EXTREMELY shady that Im getting a bill for something Ive already paid for and I asked her if every patient they had were being asked to pay again?! I mean $125.55 isnt all that much but think of that much or more multiplied! She assured me it wasnt everyone... but I wonder!Id like to think this is all just a single-issue mistake, but my intuition tells me otherwise! I hope that Im wrong and that sick people arent being taken advantage of. But the HIGHLIGHTED portion of the bill (see pic) threatening my with an outside collection agency doesnt seem all warm and fuzzy.I mean, who really keeps their receipts 18+ months afterwards for proof of payment?!I believe my next step will be to visit the Better Business Bureau and the Nelson County District Attorneys Office and file some complaints and request an investigation.IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS GETTING REQUESTS FOR DUPLICATE PAYMENTS PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
I went here to sort things out with my mental health of course. I had to speak with the nurse first I regretfully assumed she was a psychiatrist it was honestly a bad experience for me as she prodded me about my course of action to say well are you here because you want to be here or by force now mind you no one can force you unless you are under court order which I was NOT to make that clear. It was her tone which was aggressive and her cold demeanor as if someone asking you personal questions doesnt already put them on edge. I cant begin to understand why she this manor but I didnt feel comfortable enough to return. This is the only facility that my insurance covers but if you have a choice I would be cautious.