Nicè family owned
The business is supposed to be 24hrs. We contacted the exterminator around 1:40am. Just moved into an apartment outside of Dallas and a huge flying roach creeped into the apt from the fireplace. We immediately stated the service was needed immediately. He stated that he would check his schedule and would be able to come out shortly. I was told that he would call back in 5 minutes. We never received a return call and when we called to follow up he declined to answer. Very unprofessional! We would have expected a courtesy call at least stating that he could not make it. Luckily we were able to kill the pest and my husband was able to remove it from the home when he came in... POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AND UNPROFESSIONAL!!!! We have another company coming later in the day to fully exterminate the premises. I do not recommend this company and will definitely notify my coworkers at the office to never contact this company if faced with a pest problem.
Absolutely love this company! They treat our office and will happily come out to retreat between scheduled treatments if we see any bugs that we shouldnt. Great customer service and a great product.
Great customer service and well priced!