If Potomac Kempo used to care about running a legitimate martial arts school, it now appears perfectly content to serve as a kindergarten or gossip factory. The new full-time hire at this dojo specializes not in martial arts prowess but jealousy and duplicity. A childish and toxic gossip corridor runs across the school’s dojos. If you’re a committed martial artist, the pettiness is beneath you, but it will find you regardless. Even being away due to the pandemic will not spare you. Unfortunately, Potomac Kempo now fosters an environment that makes such embarrassment the new normal.This martial arts school is one of the most expensive in the area. Ask yourself if you are willing to pay its premium. It’s a question that more than a few longtime students have been asking themselves.
Sensei Cassie works so well with the little kids! She also teaches juniors and adults with exceptional professionalism and skill. Kempo is a great way to workout and calm your mind.